Monday, July 27, 2009

Sport Day's~~~

today is Tsun Jin High School de sport day~ the photo are ''shock'' for 3 only cuz i didn bring camera going i juz call my teacher sent for me de~~lolx...
( Click on the photo to see clearly)

from left to right: Fang Lek ... Bok Yuen... Loong Koon~~ others duno who...haha

头望向镜头的(紫衣的那条水)...家俊!!! other's is ''好恋''的....haha..jkjk~~~

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Final Destiny ~~~

Lolz..2day go back school agn.... omg! we facing J2D agn... but this time we won the game by 18 vs 16..we was in the final way now..i saw kian long are mad!! but in final... we lost to J2G.. got some Noob Shit 臭篮培的人...shouted at thr said we are noob shouted out all rude world...and a J1 boy...(J1C 的Noob)!!..when the game end..our people rush out and wanted to punch and scolded the J1 boy....lukily...our team stop this crazy movement at last!!....In girl's that J1E wons the game in final facing J2B ( li wei class)... dun be mad and sad at all J1 de buddy ... next year are your perform liao.... we ''提早毕业''去PMR 了..haha~~~

8/8/09 is Pei See Birthday~~~ who want's to go de post the chat in this comment or at the Cbox! thx all for inviting me ~~~xD xD *_*

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Finally Wins

Finally ...2day... we defeat J1E...scary....J1E差一点爆冷.24 VS 23..一结束后....J1E 的明泽...哭了....压力太大....虽然是赢了比赛...可是却输掉了7个月来的友情...相信这段友情会渐渐好转... 距离决赛的脚步还有两三步而已 jy at all J2F

Coundown for sport day: 1days to go

Friday, July 24, 2009

Coundown 2 days~~~

今天...丽冰回来了!!!第一件事就是小考!...够力...虽然会做...可是不够时间!!! 3 题<<不等式>>!!!呀...运动会...过两天就开始了...一连三天...不过...现在最为重要的是..星期六的班级篮球比赛....J2F 永不退缩!!!...虽然对手是J1E...与我们联系很好...不过..一上到赛场就是敌人了.....~~~

Coundown for Tsun Jin Sport Day: 2 days to go~~~~JyJy~~~~

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thought today are veli 轻松...cuz today can back earlier to home....怎知道...最后两节电脑节..老师竟然突击小考!!!靠!!!...全班全部紧张到!!!...有几个白痴走来问我..为什么没有跟我们讲的??你不是科代表吗???...zzz...老师都没有告诉我..我哪懂??? 都说明是突击考试了..还来问!!!几个白痴......


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Teacher didn't come **暗爽**

一去到学校....就在念莹口中得知...丽冰没有来!!! 全班高兴到!!![因为不用数学小考了.....]9.20分的下课..哲豪拿起他的''宝''向对面被云层覆盖了78%的''双峰塔''卡嚓了几张相片...在那边LC...=.=...放学后要上联课...由于这是教练教我们棋艺的最后一天...我紧张到忘了那放在抽屉的课本...=.=放了联课后才赶着去拿....哎...记性好差呀!!


H owever if you stare at the black ' + ' in the center, the moving dot turns to green.

Now, concentrate on the black '
+ ' in the center of the picture. After a short period, all the pink dots will slowly di sappear, and you will only see only a single green dot rotating.

It's amazing how our brain works.
There really is no green dot , and the pink ones really don't disappear. This should be proof enough, we don't always see what we think we see.
Send this to all of your friends and amazethem

Monday, July 20, 2009

J2F vs J1E~~~~

Phew.... sunday i go back to school to support my class becuz our class participated in the basketball competition..lucky i got come...Ming Jun didn't bring his sport T-shirt i exchange my shirt wit him...cuz im wearing the sport T-shirt come...-_-...zzz 1st match are not fair to wtf 的篮培裁判仗着J2D中有朋友...就屡次找我们班的一点犯规...拿到罚球...这算什么君子??我们班的人一直骂粗口...(包括我.....zzz)...他们对我们犯规裁判又不判....他X的怪不得有些家长看了都摇头.......最后以一分之差输了......不过不要紧...他们让我们避开了接下来更厉害的J2E....就让他们鬼打鬼吧...{暗爽....^^}...输了那场比赛后...我们落入了输VS输的比赛....J1C 真可怜...被我们班横扫47 VS 0.....放了50%的水哦....观众都看的哈哈大笑.......J1C 连输两场出局了...接下来我们要对垒的班级是..-----J1E........
***谢谢啦..J2D.虽然恨你们赢得不光彩....可是却帮我们''''进差水的下半部...哈...[希望J2F 可以一路走到决赛......]

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


在7月13这个日子....或许对其他人来说..并没有什么意义..可是....循中的....应该知道...J3I>>>张明泽...一个阳光少男...就这样...离开了....循中这个..大家庭..虽然与你....并不是很熟...不过还是希望你在另一个世界生活的快乐,开心....[.R3ST 1N P3ACE.]......